Do I Have To Get Nude For Boudoir?

Implied nude boudoir women on white curled up

It is a very common question. And the answer is no.

First of all, I NEVER have my clients do anything they are uncomfortable with. Any level of dress or undress is strictly in the client’s control and discussed before the shoot ever starts. If you are discussing a session with a photographer and they even blink at this arrangement, RUN!

Boudoir photography is about emotion, confidence, and fun. If you are uncomfortable because you are not wearing what makes you feel beautiful and sexy for your photo shoot, then the point of it is muted right from the start.

Perhaps being nude in your photos just isn’t your thing. That’s great! Boudoir photos do not have to contain nudity. In fact, I would venture to say that most do not. Nudity and boudoir do not go hand-in-hand. It is how you choose to express yourself and what you want from your experience that matters the most.

Artistic nude boudoir with black tulle on white background.

For me, and for some photographers it is different, I feel the art of boudoir is about the woman, not what she is or is not wearing. Boudoir photography is meant to be an uplifting, reaffirming experience. At Fuel Boudoir, a boudoir session is built around the concept of how it can, (and does) make her feel about herself and how she sees herself. Whether or not being naked is a part of that journey is up to each individual woman.

Woman in red dress topless nude boudoir

Being nude in your boudoir images can be very beautiful and very freeing if you are comfortable. It can range from merely suggestive such as implied nudity to more revealing, to artistic nudes. Any of these artistic choices will produce the beautiful, inspiring images that you are looking for.

With implied boudoir, nothing that would generally be covered shows. The photos suggest or “imply” that you are nude without showing anything that you do not want to. These are often some of the sexiest images that I take. Implied images are a great way to convey an idea without taking the client out of her comfort zone. 

With the more revealing option, you may show as much or as little as you desire. Some clients choose to do some topless, while some go further. Either way, both produce beautiful images that clients love and are proud of. 

Woman on bed white sheets implied nude boudoir

Either way you choose to go with your boudoir shoot, be it lingerie, implied nudes, topless or more, it is sure to be a fantastic experience. Boudoir is something that each woman should do because each woman deserves what it has to offer.


The Power of Boudoir


Don’t Let Life Get In Your Way.